As summer comes to Puglia, in South Italy, increasing numbers of dead locusts can be found in the countryside. Gigantic swarms of these insects are currently wrecking havoc from East Africa to India and even Sardinia in what is quickly becoming a global crisis, and in the midst of a serious drought, the main trigger for this pest, farmers in the Mediterranean region are getting nervous.
Looking back at the Book of Exodus, we’ve seen it all before: besides the swarms of locusts (10:1–20) and the well-known outbreak of an infectious disease among men and animals (Boils, 9:8-12), rivers are turning red (Water to blood, 7:14–24), all sorts of parasites are proliferating (Lice or gnats, 8:16-19), as are mosquitoes (Wild animals or flies, 8:20-32), pigs are dying all across the world (Pestilence of livestock, 9:1–7), storms and forest fires are becoming stronger and more frequent (Thunderstorm of hail and fire: 9:13–35), and male fertility is decreasing in western societies (Death of firstborn, 11:1–12:36), which still leaves us with a rain of frogs (7:25–8:15) and the sun not rising for three days (10:21–29) before we have revisited all ten Plagues of Egypt and we can maybe move on to the part of the story where the people rebel against Pharaoh (or was it capitalism?) and cross into the desert on their way to freedom.